- Made for static blogging with Jekyll
- Easy theming with SCSS. Change a few variables and you've got your look
- Using the wonderful open source font Source Sans Pro
- Modern CSS using subtle transitions
- Lightweight code (the CSS file is 18kb)
- Responsive design with fluid grid and video
- Code highlighting and image alignment classes for better looking blog posts
- Drop in a Disqus code and you have comments
- Photo banner on homepage, ready to customize
- Built-in RSS feed
Initial setup
Download the files from the Github repository and put them in a folder. Make sure Jekyll, Susy, Compass and Sass are installed through RubyGems:
sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install susy
sudo gem install sass
sudo gem install compass
How to use
Run two terminal windows, one to compile the site and one to compile the CSS. If you're just blogging you only need the jekyll command:
jekyll serve -w
compass watch
Theme license
The Cactus Jekyll theme is licensed under the MIT license i.e. do whatever you want with it. Keeping the backlink and spreading the word would be nice.